Chargie - phone charge limiter

by Lighty Electronics



Charging your phone every night to 100% and keeping the battery like this for 8 hours is one of the main culprits behind early battery failure. Were here to change that.Chargie is an app+hardware phone charge limiting solution that makes your battery last for much longer than if you had charged it regularly to 100% all night, every night. Heres how it works:1. For the app to work, you need to get your Chargie USB device from 2. Insert the device into your regular charger and the phone cable into Chargie.3. Install the app on your phone.4. Set the charge percentage you need for the next day.5. Go to sleep. Chargie takes control of the power flow following an algorithm that decreases battery temperature and voltage related stress, throughout the 8 hours of nighttime charging.This will dramatically increase battery and phone lifespan because of the way lithium ion chemistry works.With Chargie, your phone not only lasts for more years, but has also a much lower carbon footprint. Present-day smartphones are still a good fit even after three years, if their performance is not throttled by the OS because of poor battery health.Moreover, youll be able to resell your old phone for more when you decide to change it, because it will be Chargie Certified, and this will be a guarantee of the protection of its battery.We have DHL shipping available, so you can get your Chargie tomorrow if you live in NY or anywhere in the EU. If not, shipping takes 3 days at most, in any part of the world, so you can be up and running in no time.Location Data and Bluetooth PermissionsFor the purpose of enhancing functionality and providing you with the full spectrum of features offered by Chargie – phone charge limiter, our app requires access to your device’s location services. On Android devices running older versions, location permissions are necessary for scanning for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices (the FINE_LOCATION and COARSE_LOCATION permissions). This is a requirement by the Android operating system, not a specific choice by our application. Android only accesses your location data only when you are actively using the app to search for BLE devices. We do not store or share this information with third parties. This process is critical for identifying nearby BLE devices that you may wish to connect to for optimizing your device’s charging process. We are committed to ensuring the security and privacy of your data, employing industry-standard practices to protect the information collected.Check out our privacy policy here: